
Spent one of my last few days in Melbourne with my former uni mate before I went back to KL. You know how they say, things can change in just one day. Imagine how much can change within a few months. Now she's got a job in an architecture firm, she has moved to a bigger house, she's got a bicycle which she cycles with to work every morning, she's gone for driving lessons, and got a driver's license, and she's got herself a car which she drives to the city every weekend. So basically, she's earning her own money and when we went to the Design Market that day she could buy everything she wanted, while I would just linger at that one booth contemplating for 20 minutes if I wanted to buy one small cheap item. Hahaha. Oh life. But she has always been very kind, sweet, helpful and funny since my first year of architecture in uni until now :)


katie leigh said...

hey, what do you use to edit your photos? do you use filters? i've just upgraded to cs5 and my filter program doesn't seem to be available (nik color efex) was wondering if you could tell me how you edit yours because we have a similar style and was hoping you used something different. i'm lost without my filter program! thanks so much! xx

a shu ra said...

hey katie! i just play around with Selective Colour, Photo Filter, Curves, and Hue & Saturation! :) hope this helps! xxx

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